Thursday, 19 February 2004
Pure delight
as 173rd Soldiers return home
 Photo by Diana Bahr, 22d ASG Public Affairs |
1st Sgt. Toby Boland shows wife, Rachel, just how happy he is to be back. Boland and other Soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade returned to Vicenza, Italy, after almost a year in Iraq. |
"There he is!" points Sandra Burgess, wife of Chaplain (Capt.) Charles Burgess, as son, Dylan, takes off running.
 Photo by Laura Kreider, 22nd ASG |
 Photo by Diana Bahr, 22nd ASG Public Affairs Office |
Moments after getting off the bus Chaplain (Capt.) Charles Burgess, 173rd Airborne Brigade, holds tight to son, Zechariah. Despite the freezing rain, Burgess, along with about 150 other Sky Soldiers, arrived on post after almost a year deployed in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. |
 Photo by Spc. Tara Sherlock, SETAF Public Affairs |
Staff Sgt. Robert P. Lee, 1st Bn., 501st Forward Support Company, receives a welcome home hug from his daughter. After taking care of a few administrative details, the Soldiers of the 173rd will go home with their families. Friday, they'll begin their seven-day reintegration process. |
 Photo by Spc. Tara Sherlock, SETAF Public Affairs |
Spc. Oscar Torres meets his three month old son, Oscar Jr., for the first time. Torres was one of about 150 Soldiers from the 173rd Airborne Brigade to arrive home from Iraq Feb. 19. |
 Photo by Diana Bahr, 22nd ASG Public Affairs |
Spc. Scott Stewart and his wife share a quiet moment upon his return from Iraq. Stewart, along with more than 150 other 173rd Airborne Brigade Soldiers were greeted by family and friends Thursday at Caserma Ederle, in Vicenza, Italy. |