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Tue, January 13, 2004

Family plans effort to send scarves to Iraq

LAURA M. SCHNEIDER , Morning Journal Writer

SHEFFIELD VILLAGE -- Thousands of miles away in northern Iraq, temperatures are getting chilly for American soldiers who spend time outside.

But the family of one of the soldiers there is trying to send them some of the warmth of home by organizing an effort to send scarves to U.S. troops stationed in Iraq.

Debbie Elgart said she and a group of friends have been sending packages to soldiers periodically, but recently her nephew, Army Pfc. Ryan J. Doot, requested the scarves, saying temperatures were getting cold in northern Iraq.

Elgart wants to get the word out that the troops are in need, she said.

"At least if they had that around their neck it would keep them warm," Elgart said.

The scarves have to be solid green, black, brown or tan and have to be sent directly to a soldier. She has offered Doot's address, so that he can share donated scarves with other soldiers.

Elgart is telling friends, family and anyone she knows to pass the address around and send warm things to the troops, including her nephew, who has been in Iraq since February.

It's important to remind the troops that they are remembered in the United States, said Elgart.

"Before, everyone remembered," she said. "Now, all people are doing is complaining because we're over there. Well, we're over there, the best thing we can do is to help them out."

Ryan Doot's mother, Jill of Lorain, said yesterday that her son is stationed in Kirkuk and that late-night work keeps him and others outside in temperatures that drop to the lower 30s.

Doot said her son lives in Florida and joined the Army shortly after high school graduation.

"Since he was 3 years old, he has worn nothing but camouflage," Doot said. "They kept telling me it was a phase he'd grow out of, and he never did."

She said she is proud of her son and asked local people to the troops. He is a member of the Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade, she said.

"I believe that they are bringing such freedom in Iraq," Doot said. "They are so thankful to be liberated and they are such young boys over there. We're not taking over a country; we're bringing freedom to these people. ... We should support them in this."

Elgart requested that scarves be sent to PFC DOOT RYAN J 3RD PLT C-CO 2/503RD 173 RD ABN BDE APO AE 09347.

Anyone who wants to help, has questions or wants a scarf sent to someone they know can e-mail projectscarves@aol.com.

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