Note: CPT Kevin Thomas was dropped from this list on 26 Nov 2006 due to 60 days of no contact.
27 Sep 2006:
Dear Anysoldier,
Thank you for all the support and all the packages so far! Our vehicles have been getting a lot of maintenance done, so we have not been able to travel as much as we used to. The snacks and books and activities kept us from going hungry and insane! Our four interpreters especially love all the goodies in each box. Unfortunately on Labor day, we were hit with an IED, but fortunately, no major injuries! We are at the 7 month mark and we are all looking forward to coming home!
Kevin Thomas
25 Jul 2006
Address Has Changed
I know it has been a minute since my last update. We have been a little busy. Not much is new. I did get promoted to Captain at 1201 a.m. in the back of a Stryker vehicle while out on a night mission. One of our other guys pinned on Sergeant First Class as well. We do have a new mailing address. So far the support for us is up in the air. We have had three units switch out in the last three months and another one swithes out in the next few months. We are making progress out here with our Iraqi Border Police Battalion.
As far as needs, Snack foods and microwaveables work well. Popcorn and kettle corn is a hugh hit. Toilettries such as sunblock, body wash, shampoo, razors, (most of the guys use shick quatro or the new 5 blade razor), cheese nips almost started a riot and so did laffy taffy.
Book wise Dan Brown is a hit and we have all ready everything by him, but books like that are a hit as well as magazines. We gaave our risk game to the IBP commander so games are a good team builder away from Ghost Recon tournaments on Xbox. So far things are good. Not many changes have happened in our daily routine.
As guys come and go off of R&R they tell of all the support and love being shown to them by the public. It means alot to a soldier, especially for us when strangers in the store see your a soldier and come over to say thank you. I would like to say thank you for your service from Border Transition Team 02, Sinjar, Iraq.
Kevin Thomas
OUT of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
26 Mar 2006
We are currently living in a partitioned tent. We have our own individual living sections. We do have power, but extension cords are needed. We do have a microwave and a laundry service. Microwave and coffee pots are our only ability to cook. I am currently representing a team which has no female soldiers. We need things such as tupperware containers big enough to store clothes and equipment as well as the smaller ones. Folders and file holders are needed as well. Small thinks like utility tools and flashlights help, and little trinkets to give to the local children as well as gifts to exchange with our counterparts on holidays and special occasions.
Our team is made of of Officers and NCO's from all over TRADOC, Ft. Sill, Ft. Benning, Ft. Knox, Ft. Leonardwood, and Ft. Bliss. We are a Border Transition Team (BTT) advising and training and Iraqi BN.