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Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that all product photographs, descriptions and specifications on this website are accurate. However, inadvertent errors may occur, and changes in design or materials, due to our continual effort to improve products, may result in some change in specifications before subsequent publications are issued.
Any Soldier® reserves the right to modify or change specifications without notice.

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CW3 Tracy Lawson
- U. S. Army -
CW3 Tracy Lawson
(Address not available or expired.)
Make a donation, please. Click HERE AFTER you get an address.
(This address has been requested 0 times.) (NOTE **)
APO/FPO: APO AE (Note 1*)
Added here: 04 April 2004
End date: 15 Sep 2004 (Note 3*)
Contact for approx number of Males: 20, Females: 5 (Note 5*)
Unit is from: (Note 6*)

13 Oct 2004:
I just got back from R&R leave. I am going to the shelter this weekend. I will have pictures and lots of updates for you. Also please be advised that my time here is coming to an end I will have to stop mail somewhere around the middle of next month. But I will have some updates for you later…Tracy

24 Aug 2004
Things are going well. I have been receiving lots of packages from many great Americans. From your support we have provided over 100 pairs of shoes, 50 various children’s outfits, woman’s clothing, physical hygiene products, books, and toys. Our unit that is sponsoring the Woman’s Shelter and Orphanage has shared these items with those in need. As long as we can, we will continue to provide for those without. Additionally, I have received lots of letters of support. It does make a difference knowing that what we are doing is not going in vain. I have been here for a while now and I have seen first hand of the devastation that man can do to each other. Sometimes you just want to give up and move on. Sometimes I wonder if it will ever stop. It has become a common thing now to get mortared. I have become accustomed to the distinct sound of them. Just with the slam of a door, you jump. I just want people to know that we continue to our job. One good thing is that I will be going back to the states on R&R soon. I am really excited about seeing my children. So until I write again, take care and God Bless all of you for support and prayers…..Tracy

10 Aug 2004
Please pass this out for me with the widest decimation.   Thanks allot….Tracy

Attention America!

The women and children of Iraq need your help. Even with the new regime change, there is still a series of injustices that are happening throughout this country. Currently it is still accepted for a woman to be abused by her husband, father, or brother if she is no longer considered “pure” in their country. As a result women are suffering the beatings from their family in silence.

This is about to change.


Some people in Iraq realize that this practice is wrong and want to change this horrible tradition. They have created a women’s safe house. This house is designed to protect women who are in this situation, or are in danger because they work with coalition forces. It is a temporary place for them to re-group and re-integrate back in society and their families. A trained staff of caring Iraqi men and women are working together to make this place a reality. The community has also helped by donating items to the house to include beds, a stove, and a refrigerator. The house is fully operational; however, there are still some things that are greatly needed.

Safe House Monetary needs:

Operating Cost funds:
The new government accepts the safe house; however, they are not willing to pay the employees enough each month to cover the operational costs. Reoccurring expenses include: house keeping costs, paying for 24 hour guard service, food, and utilities. The monthly cost for these expenditures is about $1200

Back up Generator:
The power grid fails regularly where this house is located and therefore a back-up generator is needed. Currently, the appropriate sized generator costs between $18,000 and $25,000.

Guard Trailer:
The guards that are willing to risk their lives for the ladies are not allowed to stay in the house due to Iraqi tradition. The safe house would like to purchase a trailer to be placed along side the house with its own amenities; the lowest cost for a trailer is $5,500 and the highest bid is $50,000. We need to put a down payment on the trailer first before we can get the trailer moved to the house.   


Now what about the children of Iraq? There is a growing problem in Baghdad, Iraq with children begging outside of the hotels. These children are picked up by police and thrown into regular jails. The culture does not agree with this but they have no place to put these children. This is causing larger problems throughout the country as children are being subject to abuse and other dangers in the prisons. That is why the Iraqi Children Protective Home was created. This will be a safe house for children that have been picked up by local police. These children will be cared for and their families will be contacted to see what can be done to help their situation. This house will have counselors available for working with the children. It also will have, like the women’s safe house, beds, food, and basic needs for the children as they stay in the facility. The safe house will also have a playground, swimming pool, a library, and computer access. This home is a place for young children to get back on the right track in life, back in schools, and back to a safe, healthy environment.

Children’s protective home needs:

Refurbish the home:
A house on over three acres of land has already been allocated and zoned for this project. However, the contractors cannot start work without funds. This house was nearly destroyed by the prior occupants. They stole the toilets, doors, counters, and even the kitchen sink. The house needs to be refurbished. The grass is overgrown and there is a lot of debris around both the house and the land surrounding it.

The staff would like a 9 ft security fence around the property to maintain security for the children and to prevent burglary and vandalism.

Currently the land needs to be landscaped-- there is some grass, but the land is mostly covered with rocks, dirt, and trash. There is plenty of area that will allow the building of a full sized playground to include an area established for smaller children to play. The playground needs to be ordered and as of yet we do not have an estimate on costs on this yet.

Swimming pool:
On this large lot is a smaller fenced in area where we would like to build a full size swimming pool. We think this would be great for the children to cool off in the summer months and can be available to help teach children how to swim. Local contractors in the area are still working on estimates for this project.


Bottom line, all these projects take require funding. HHC, 3rd Signal Brigade has sponsored us for these two projects; however, they told us that their resources have been put on hold until the next fiscal year, which is October 04. The problem with waiting until October is that the longer we have to wait for this money to be available the more these projects are at risk of failure and termination. Without money, the women’s safe house and children’s home employees will not be able to afford to work. Without money, the children’s house and fence cannot be built and we are in danger of losing the property to someone else.
America, we need your help. If you want to know how to donate please contact

Safe house and Children Home Coordinator: Laith al Sudany at:

Thank you for your consideration.

25 Jul 2004
Not much has happened since I last wrote except for the great support that people are giving us over here. You know a little note here and there makes it worth all the wild of being over here and the sacrifice we am making. I do miss my children so much. There are things that are taking place back home that I will never get back. So I would hope that those that have the opportunities to share with loved ones is appreciated.   We continue to loose great Americans over here. Please continue to pray for those families in there time of lost. I would like to personally thank each and everyone who has sent packages and letters of support. It does mean so much. We are in need of any clothing items. Most children over here are wearing the same clothes everyday. Allot of women are in need of clothing items as well. Shoes of any kind are needed also. Tennis shoes, dress shoes, or sandals would be nice. Basically anything that is sent is truly appreciated. Once again thank you all for everything that you all continue to do. God bless each and everyone. Thank you for your support. Attached is a picture of me. I will be sending more later.   

CW3 Tracy L. Lawson

06 Jul 2004
Just wanted to give you an update. I have been receiving allot of stuffed animals which is great. One of our companies sponsors an orphanage and a women's shelter. I will provide them with the items and names and emails address of the people who sent them so they can thank them their selves. I have been sent some DVD's. That is so great. Soldiers are using them. I let them sign them out and they view them and return them. I picked up some also. Things are going well over here except for the mortars every other night. That is the big bad part about being over here. You never know when one might hit near you. We had one hit one of our orderly rooms (unit operations) about two weeks ago. The fourth was ok. I guess it was just like any other day. On the day I got promoted, Sadam was going to his trial. I could see the building were he was at from the back of my office which was a little eerie. I ran in the 10k run on the 4th. It was part of the Atlanta Peach Tree Race except ours was the in the Baghdad division. The weather is extremely hot but thank God for AC. Yesterday it was 112. We have a couple of swimming pools on post. One is indoors and the other is near the lake. I will be sending you pictures later. I will try to get some from other people as well. Other than that things are going ok. I just want to get home to my children.

08 Jun 2004
Sorry I have not gotten in contact with you. I have been receiving packages and letters from many supporters through out the country. Thanks for your support and prayers. In addition, I have been corresponding with several people via email and letters. Please add me back to the list. Sorry for the delay and again thank you for your support...

04 Apr 2004
Living conditions are good. No air fresheners for some reason in the PX. We would appreciate any DVDs.

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Why? Because this list changes all the time due to unit movements, soldier transfers, or even soldier casualties.
It is also illegal. ALL content on this site is copyright Any Soldier Inc.
DO NOT send any letter or package to a soldier's address unless you check this web site the same day you mail your packages.
Please do not burden the soldiers or the APO/FPO by sending things when the soldiers are gone. If a soldier is not listed here anymore then that soldier's address is expired. Check here often!

Note that some of the units do not have ranks shown on their addresses.
This is done at the unit's request, but ALL of our contacts ARE Servicemembers.

Be sure to change the "ATTN" line to "ATTN: Any Female Soldier if your package is for a female!

DO NOT use this program if you expect or require a reply!
DO NOT expect, or require, a reply from a Soldier!
A supporter said it perfectly, "I mean, these guys and gals have other things on their minds, y’know? Like...oh, STAYING ALIVE?"

(NOTE *): Effective 1 May 2006 this web site added a major layer of security to our contacts' information. This change is necessary to protect our troops and ensure that Any Soldier will continue to operate.
The ONLY changes are that the addresses of our contacts are now hidden and the number of addresses you can get are limited. You may obtain addresses simply by clicking on the link provided and correctly filling out the form, the address will then be emailed to you immediately.

(NOTE **): The number shown is how many times a form was submitted requesting this address. This does NOT necessarily mean that this contact will be helped by that many folks. Rule of thumb is that anything 5 requests or less may in fact be no support at all. No way to tell exactly unless the contact lets you know in his/her update how much support they are getting.

(Note 1.): Note that postage to APO AE and FPO AE (E = Europe) is only to NY where the connection to the APO/FPO (APO = Army Post Office)(FPO = Fleet Post Office) is, or to San Francisco for APO AP and FPO AP (P = Pacific), so you don't pay postage all the way to Iraq/Afghanistan. You might consider picking contacts closer to your mailing area to help cut the cost of mailing. If you live on the East Coast, pick "AE", West Coast, pick "AP", Midwest, well...uh, Thank You for your Support! ;)

New with us (December 2005) you might notice "APO AA" and "FPO AA". This is for units in the Caribbean/South America. Normally. However, due to the nature of some units they may be in Iraq but have an address showing "FPO AA". Mail addresses to "AA" goes out of Miami, Florida.

(Note 2.): Why are military addresses weird? There isn't a street address or city. What gives? Correct, just about everything about the military is weird to civilians. Military units are very mobile, they move around a lot, often they even become part of another unit. The APO (Army Post Office) and FPO (Fleet Post Office) assign APO and FPO numbers as needed, they are NOT static. An APO/FPO number may be for a large unit, or a location. An APO/FPO number for Baghdad today may be for Frankfurt tomorrow.

(Note 3.): The "Expect to not mail past" date is only an approximate and is one of the least reliable things on this web site. It is because of this that you must check often before you send anything to this unit. There are a few reasons this date is not reliable, to include: it IS the Military, we ARE dealing with the APO/FPO/DPO. The only thing that does not change in the military is that things will change. PLEASE NOTE that a Contact is dropped off our active list 30 days PRIOR to their date leaving to help avoid mail bouncing.

(Note 4.): (Removed for OPSEC reasons)

(Note 5.): The lines, "Contact with approx number of Soldiers:" and "Approx how may Female Soldiers:" have NOTHING to do with unit strength. They are approximately how many other Troops the Contacts believe they can get packages to. This helps you understand that you should not send 100 packages to someone who only deals with 10 Troops.
Don't forget that if your package is for a female Soldier, be sure to change "ATTN: Any Soldier®" to "ATTN: Any Female Soldier".

( Note 6.): This is simply where the unit this contact is from. This is NOT a true picture of the folks in the unit as most all units are made up of folks from all over the United States.) A "Composite Unit" is one made up of other units and is usually temporary for a particular mission.

( Note 7.): Updated APO/FPO/DPO mailing restrictions> courtesy of (gone now) (Note: About Restriction "U2": "U2 - Limited to First Class Letters", Box "R" is for retired personnel that live overseas and are still authorized an APO/FPO box. Their address will be something like Box 3345R. Doubt you will see anything like that in Afghanistan or Iraq or ...)(Please Note: Sometime in August 2013, changed the code on their page and our form doesn't work with them anymore, so a link to their page is the best we can do, sorry.)

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Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that all product photographs, descriptions and specifications on this website are accurate. However, inadvertent errors may occur, and changes in design or materials, due to our continual effort to improve products, may result in some change in specifications before subsequent publications are issued.
Any Soldier® reserves the right to modify or change specifications without notice.