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Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that all product photographs, descriptions and specifications on this website are accurate. However, inadvertent errors may occur, and changes in design or materials, due to our continual effort to improve products, may result in some change in specifications before subsequent publications are issued.
Any Soldier® reserves the right to modify or change specifications without notice.

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Any Soldier Inc. depends on public donations to provide this service.
Please donate HERE AFTER you request an address.
SSG Ken Lambes
- U. S. Army -
SSG Ken Lambes
(Address not available or expired.)
Make a donation, please. Click HERE AFTER you get an address.
(This address has been requested 0 times.) (NOTE **)
APO/FPO: APO AE (Note 1*)
Added here: 13 February 2004
End date: 02 Oct 2004 (Note 3*)
Contact for approx number of Males: 100, Females: 12 (Note 5*)
Unit is from: (Note 6*)
SSG Lambes and his wife were soldiers in my platoon a long time ago in Germany. He is a really good soldier and I know for a fact he will take good care of anything you send him. -Marty

01 Nov 2004:
Sorry I have not contacted you lately but time is something we dont have alot of these days. But I would like to take this moment to say Thak You for all you have done and ask that you remove us from your list as we are going to be coming back from here soon. But please find someother solider and unit and keep up the spirits of those far away from thier loved ones.

Thank You again.
SSG Lambes

10 Sep 2004
(From Ken's wife):
Things that are needed:
    1. Canned meats (Tuna, Beef, Chicken)
    2. Canned meals (Spagetti O's, Beef Stew, Chicken and Dumplings)
    3. Pre Sweetened drink mixes (Kool Aide, Gator Aide, Crystal Light, Tang)
    4. Reading Material (Car Mags, Books, Sport Mags)
    5. Personel hygiene items (tooth paste, tooth brushes, soap, shampoo, female items)
    6. Letters from the states and they really love getting drawings and letters from school kids.
    7. The long pipe cleaners found in the craft section at Wal- Mart to clean their weapons with.
    8. Music
    9. Stuff to write home with (paper, pens, envolopes)
    10. Snack type foods (crackers and canned cheese spread, chips, cookies)
These are the regular things that I send in almost every box over to Kenny and the guys. Due to their work schedules they may not be able to get to the chow hall for their meals so the canned goods are used for their meals when they can not get a hot meal. They all have reported that they are so tired of drinking just plain water so what ever drink mixes they get is a god send. I have also sent cranberry tablets for Kenny to take to help keep his kidney's cleaned out since the water is high in minerals. THere is nothing like coming back from a war zone to get kidney stones. I also send over a high quality multi vitamin for him to take. Since they are not getting regular square meals thought this would help to keep up their health.
Those are the big things that I can think of right now. He is due home here around the 25th for his 2 week R&R. Maybe he can get something out to you then. When he is not trying to get to work and answer the multiple emails that he is getting. I delete the trash ones but he still ends up with about 15 a day from everyone and their brother. Then he only gets to answer to them about 1 a week.

12 Jul 2004
MY name is SSG Kenneth Lambes from the 391 st MP BN stationed at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and want to take just a few minutes and say thank you to each and every one of you who support this fine group and the efferts that Marty has put forward to make it work. While live here in Iraq is hard at times it is made better thru the efforts and support from people like you who take the time to send cards and letters and packages to troops half-way around the world and dor many you have never meet and may never it shows us how much we are loved and cared about while away from the ones we love. The curent needs here are:
Drink Mixes ( Kool-aid, Ice tea, Gatorade)
Wet wipes
Snack foods
AA and AAA batteries.

Once again Thank You for all you are doing for the troops around the world.

Kenneth Lambes

21 May 2004
I would like to take a few moments to express my thanks to each and every one of you for the support and love you have shown the men and woman of our Armed Forces as we fight for freedom here in Iraq and other places around the world. The letters and words of encouragement and the boxes of stuff go a long way to lift the spirits of each of us as we are away from home and our loved ones. Some of the items that are needed or are nice to have are:
Wet Wipes
Canned foods (spaghetti, tuna, etc)
Sun screen
Bug repellent
And just anything that makes some one feel like home when they are far away.
Once again please accept my heartfelt thanks for all you do to show your love for our troops around the world.

SSG Ken Lambes

29 Mar 2004
(From his wife.)
He said that there are boxes coming in about every day now and that there is always someone that needs something. They still are getting the electric worked out so that everyone has it. Their rooms (cells) have AC so need for fans. Food is the big thing since alot of times they miss chow because of the shifts that they work or I should say the MP's work.

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Why? Because this list changes all the time due to unit movements, soldier transfers, or even soldier casualties.
It is also illegal. ALL content on this site is copyright Any Soldier Inc.
DO NOT send any letter or package to a soldier's address unless you check this web site the same day you mail your packages.
Please do not burden the soldiers or the APO/FPO by sending things when the soldiers are gone. If a soldier is not listed here anymore then that soldier's address is expired. Check here often!

Note that some of the units do not have ranks shown on their addresses.
This is done at the unit's request, but ALL of our contacts ARE Servicemembers.

Be sure to change the "ATTN" line to "ATTN: Any Female Soldier if your package is for a female!

DO NOT use this program if you expect or require a reply!
DO NOT expect, or require, a reply from a Soldier!
A supporter said it perfectly, "I mean, these guys and gals have other things on their minds, y’know? Like...oh, STAYING ALIVE?"

(NOTE *): Effective 1 May 2006 this web site added a major layer of security to our contacts' information. This change is necessary to protect our troops and ensure that Any Soldier will continue to operate.
The ONLY changes are that the addresses of our contacts are now hidden and the number of addresses you can get are limited. You may obtain addresses simply by clicking on the link provided and correctly filling out the form, the address will then be emailed to you immediately.

(NOTE **): The number shown is how many times a form was submitted requesting this address. This does NOT necessarily mean that this contact will be helped by that many folks. Rule of thumb is that anything 5 requests or less may in fact be no support at all. No way to tell exactly unless the contact lets you know in his/her update how much support they are getting.

(Note 1.): Note that postage to APO AE and FPO AE (E = Europe) is only to NY where the connection to the APO/FPO (APO = Army Post Office)(FPO = Fleet Post Office) is, or to San Francisco for APO AP and FPO AP (P = Pacific), so you don't pay postage all the way to Iraq/Afghanistan. You might consider picking contacts closer to your mailing area to help cut the cost of mailing. If you live on the East Coast, pick "AE", West Coast, pick "AP", Midwest, well...uh, Thank You for your Support! ;)

New with us (December 2005) you might notice "APO AA" and "FPO AA". This is for units in the Caribbean/South America. Normally. However, due to the nature of some units they may be in Iraq but have an address showing "FPO AA". Mail addresses to "AA" goes out of Miami, Florida.

(Note 2.): Why are military addresses weird? There isn't a street address or city. What gives? Correct, just about everything about the military is weird to civilians. Military units are very mobile, they move around a lot, often they even become part of another unit. The APO (Army Post Office) and FPO (Fleet Post Office) assign APO and FPO numbers as needed, they are NOT static. An APO/FPO number may be for a large unit, or a location. An APO/FPO number for Baghdad today may be for Frankfurt tomorrow.

(Note 3.): The "Expect to not mail past" date is only an approximate and is one of the least reliable things on this web site. It is because of this that you must check often before you send anything to this unit. There are a few reasons this date is not reliable, to include: it IS the Military, we ARE dealing with the APO/FPO/DPO. The only thing that does not change in the military is that things will change. PLEASE NOTE that a Contact is dropped off our active list 30 days PRIOR to their date leaving to help avoid mail bouncing.

(Note 4.): (Removed for OPSEC reasons)

(Note 5.): The lines, "Contact with approx number of Soldiers:" and "Approx how may Female Soldiers:" have NOTHING to do with unit strength. They are approximately how many other Troops the Contacts believe they can get packages to. This helps you understand that you should not send 100 packages to someone who only deals with 10 Troops.
Don't forget that if your package is for a female Soldier, be sure to change "ATTN: Any Soldier®" to "ATTN: Any Female Soldier".

( Note 6.): This is simply where the unit this contact is from. This is NOT a true picture of the folks in the unit as most all units are made up of folks from all over the United States.) A "Composite Unit" is one made up of other units and is usually temporary for a particular mission.

( Note 7.): Updated APO/FPO/DPO mailing restrictions> courtesy of (gone now) (Note: About Restriction "U2": "U2 - Limited to First Class Letters", Box "R" is for retired personnel that live overseas and are still authorized an APO/FPO box. Their address will be something like Box 3345R. Doubt you will see anything like that in Afghanistan or Iraq or ...)(Please Note: Sometime in August 2013, changed the code on their page and our form doesn't work with them anymore, so a link to their page is the best we can do, sorry.)

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Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that all product photographs, descriptions and specifications on this website are accurate. However, inadvertent errors may occur, and changes in design or materials, due to our continual effort to improve products, may result in some change in specifications before subsequent publications are issued.
Any Soldier® reserves the right to modify or change specifications without notice.