Any Soldier Inc.
Contact Application
Please don't waste your time, take this application seriously. We do.
I understand that this effort is based on the honor system. This application is NOT about me, it is about the folks I can help. I am to pass on the mail and packages I get with an address line of "Attn: Any Soldier" to the Soldiers that don't get much or any mail first, but I am allowed to keep anything I deem I should within the intent of our effort. I am free to check each package for contraband or how I want to distribute the contents. I am not free to sell anything I get from this effort.
I have read the Any Soldier Inc. web site and wish to be a volunteer contact:
Complete ALL fields unless marked (optional).
Please type as correctly as you can.
Name: Rank:
MI (optional):
                        (RANK, not paygrade) (for Navy, your RATE)
Show your rank in the mailing address? Yes No     Service Branch:
Your title (ie. Chaplain, Commander, etc.), enter here (optional):
Enter your exact mailing address (without your name):
Be VERY careful with your address! Check it at LEAST twice!!




Your name does NOT go here. Address only:
(This line is optional) (APO/FPO does NOT go here)
NOTE: APO/FPO/DPO addresses shall not include a city and/or country name.
(This line is optional) (APO/FPO does NOT go here)
NOTE: APO/FPO/DPO addresses shall not include a city and/or country name.
NOTE: ALL FPOs MUST be 5+4 digits, ie. 12345-1234
Caution! Sending an incorrect address will get you dropped.
Be SURE you are sending a complete and correct address!!!
Country: NOTE! If your country is not listed, please select "Other" and in the text below tell us what country you are in. We will add that to the option list.
If selecting "UNDISCLOSED" you MUST state why in the text below.
Unit is
Select the location your unit is from ONLY IF DEPLOYED.
Use "Other" if your location is not listed and explain in the text below.
We will add it to the listing.
"Composit Unit" means your unit is made up of various other units.
Enter the number of male and female Soldiers you wish to help get packages and mail for. Do NOT give unit strength info! This is so folks don't send you 100 boxes if you have only 12 Soldiers to deal with.
Contacts: Male:     Female: 
Click on the button, and select the approximate date you expect to leave country.
We understand this is almost always an uncertain date, but we do need a best-guess so support stops at the right time. If you can't use the calendar, enter the date as MM/DD/YYYY (01/09/2025 for 09/January/2025).
End Date:   (Must be 09 May 2025 or later)
Your PREFERRED (may be any good) email address AND a MILITARY email address.
The requirement for the .mil address is due to too many contacts being dropped because their Hotmail, Yahoo, whatever free email accounts are not reliable. Failure to give a .mil email address will automatically reject your request. HOWEVER, if you have a VALID reason to not give your .mil email address, put your reason below in the "Conditions" box. :
(Required .mil):
(NOTE: If your prefered is a .mil, then leave this blank)
Your alternate, another person in your unit who knows about this, in case something happens to you, God forbid. We don't want packages to be returned because you aren't there. Please have your alternate aware of the situation and contact me immediately in case you are unable to.
BE VERY CAREFUL! Mess up this step and you will be rejected without notice.
NOT You!
Read the Note
Name: Rank and Full Name:
This is the most important part of this application. TAKE THIS PART SERIOUSLY, WE DO.
  • What are your living conditions?
  • Do you have electricity, 110 or 220, live in tents, on the ground, in buildings, do you need food, etc.?
  • Do you have a laundry service?
  • If you need food items, what cooking ability/inability)(as in pots/pans, stoves, etc.) do you have?
  • Do you have a microwave, refrigerator or freezer?
  • Are you representing your squad, platoon, company, wing, ship, etc.?
  • Please be careful with your wording! You are likely NOT allowed to ask for anything. But, good chance you can tell us what you need or don't have. When you mention things, PLEASE be specific! Remember, supporters want to send you the right things and YOU are the only way they know what to send. Need something like socks for example? Then be sure to mention the type, color, etc. Also, if you need anything tactical, we have a great sponsor, Extreme Outfitters that supporters can order from. If you can provide the link (URL) to the item(s) you need, that really helps you get the stuff you really need and not junk from Wallymarket...
  • Are you a Marine with the 1st MEF (or ANY Marine unit)?
    In compliance with the Policy on "Solicitation of Gifts", 23-10, there is nothing stopping you from applying for support, just do NOT request any items or gifts.
    You CAN mention your lack of a PX/BX (store), ability to cook or not, etc.
    PLEASE read and comply with the above policy before you apply with us.
    We want you supported, not in trouble.
  • Female troops? Don't forget their needs! Be specific (ask them!!) (ethnic?)
  • Be sure to say what State you and your unit are from, many folks want to know. Folks want to know who they are supporting, tell them about you and your unit.
    Note that what and how you write here is what will be seen and reflects on you.

    Do NOT mention unit strength numbers or your location!!!
    We do NOT want to know how big your unit is
    or where it is!! But the bad guys do...

    Do NOT request homemade cookies or items.
    It is unsafe and you are not to allow anyone to eat them.

    NO requests for Gift Cards or money. It will not be tolerated.


  • Condition

    (This is what
    will read.)

    You may enter up to 2000 characters. You have characters left.
    God forbid something should happen to you, but if it does, we want to offer help to your family. This information is NEVER given out to anyone, it is strictly for the use of Any Soldier's Staff to contact your family to offer assistance.:
    This section is completely optional, but please consider filling it out.
    (Person's Name - optional):
    (Relationship to you - optional):
    (Email address of person - optional):
    (Phone Number of person - optional):

    Please be advised that any information submitted to us
    will be used for the purposes described herein and may take any form of
    publication and distribution, including without limitation paper and electronic methods.

    Before you hit the button:
    Sorry, but the following will cause you to be rejected:
    • Incorrect mailing address (watch out for the APO/FPO settings and numbers!!)
    • You enter a bogus email address.
    • You enter bogus email address for your alternate.
    • You or your alternate are already a contact with us.
    • You send just a shopping list, no info about your group or why people
      should select you and your troops to support.
    • Inappropriate language. This web site is "G" rated.
    • It is obvious you didn't read the purpose of this application.
      THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU, it is about your troops.
    • Any Soldier Inc. Support Team retains all rights
      to exclude or accept any application for any reason.

    Please check your data, especially YOUR ADDRESS!
    Double check it before you hit the button.

    Sorry, but a bad address will get you rejected.

    We need YOUR support too!
    Remember Any Soldier Inc. at CFC time!!
    Remember us for CFC!
    Our catalog number: 11993.
    Please help spread the word on this.
    Copyright © 2003-2025, Any Soldier Inc.
    Terms and Conditions   -   Privacy Policy   -   Non-Discrimination Policy
    Site owned and operated by Any Soldier Inc.