 Army SPC Brian and Marine CWO3 Edward Jimenez |
CWO3 Jimenez, a Marine Corps contact of ours in Afghanistan, has a son, SPC Brian Jimenez, with the 1st Cavalry Division in the Army in Iraq.
Mr. Jimenez writes (25 May), "His unit is camped near the bad part of southern Bagdad called Sadr City. He was returning from a routine patrol/escort when a car-bomb or suicide bomber in a vehicle detonated explosives in close proximity to their vehicles (HUMMV's). My son (Brian Jimenez) was in the gun hole with his upper torso exposed. He sustained moderate injuries to his right upper and lower arm. No major bone damage, but alot of tissue damage. I thank God that he did not take on worse injuries. He is healing up nicely and should be back in the states as I write this message."
 Brian is the one on the far left. |
Update 10 June: SPC Brian Jimenez is home. His Mom has set up a P.O. box if anyone wishes to send greetings and get well cards to this member of a hero family:
SPC Brian Jimenez
P.O. Box 924
Havelock, NC 28532-0924 (Address is expired)
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