The Making of the

Military Police

In the beginning, there was chaos, and the chaos was the Infantry, for the Infantry was alone. And fear was with the Infantry, so they cried unto the Lord saying,"Lord save us, for we are afraid!"~

And the Lord heard their grunts and set some of the Infantry on beasts of burden and these He called Cavalry, and the Cavalry became Armor. And the Infantry and Armor became confused and cried out to the Lord saying, "Lord help us, for we are afraid!"~

The Lord heard their sniveling and created the Artillery to provide a bang. And when the Lord had seen what He had done, He laughed saying, "Well, you can't win them all!"~

But as time passed, the Infantry, Armor and the Artillery again cried out to the Lord saying, "Lord save us, for we are afraid!"~ And the Lord heard their cries and decided to end their weepings. The Lord said unto them, "Hey dudes, lo, I send unto you a race of men noble in heart and spirit." ~

And the Lord created the Military Police.

And the Lord said unto the Infantry, Armor, and the Artillery, "When it is dark the Military Police will show you the way." ~ "And when you need TCPs, RAP, TOC security, convoy escorts, and a reserve, all this shall ye have."~

And the Lord gave the Military Police pride, integrity, and guts. And the Infantry, Armor, and Artillery were jealous for they had naught. And the Lord gave the Military Police courage, and when the Infantry, Armor, and the Artillery saw this, they fell to their knees in wonder saying, "Surely God is on the side of the greatest - the Military Police." ~ And the Lord said, "Right!"~

Now abideth Infantry, Armor, and Artillery, for remember the greatest of them all are your supporters -

~ the Military Police ~